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  Circolo Golf Venezia

Course Details
Public/Private: Private Year Built: 1928
Holes: 18 Designer/Architect(s): Cruickshank-Cotton-Croze
Guest Policy: unrestricted
Handicap Requirements:   men max 36 woman max 36

Championship Tee
Par: 72


SSS: Yards: 6779
Rating: 73,4


Men's Tee
Par: 72


SSS: Yards: 6604
Rating: 72,6


Women's Tee
Par: 72


SSS: Yards: 5854
Rating: 74,7 Slope: 133

Club Details


Circolo Golf Venezia, Strada Vecchia n. 1, I - 30126 Alberoni Lido Venezia,


click here
Tel: +39 (0)41-731333
Fax: +39 (0)41-731339
Secretary Tel: +39 (0)
Clubhouse Tel: +39 (0)41-731333
Info Turniere: +39 (0)
Pro ShopTel: +39 (0)41-2760361
Bar Tel: +39 (0)41-5261585
Restaurant Tel: +39 (0)41-5261585
Web Site:
Green Fee: Contact the club for current green fees
Reservations: Yes


all the year

Cart Access:

Yes Pro On Site: Yes
Walk Course: Trolley Hire:
Metal Spikes: Yes Buggy Hire:
Club Rental: Yes Pro Shop: Yes
Caddies: No Water: No
Bar: Yes Credit Cards: Yes
Course Dress Code
informal dress, no short paints and t-shirts
Training Facilities
driving range, approacching and bunker green, putting greens
The Venice Golf Club was born in the locality of “Alberoni” on the island of Lido-Venice 70 years ago in 1930.
Following are the names of successive Club Presidents since it’s inauguration in 1930 untile the present time:
Count       Giuseppe Volpi di Misurata  1930 – 1932
Count       Giovanni Revedin                       1933 – 1934
Count       Cesare Cicogna                       1935 – 1936
Count       Andrea Marcello                        1937 – 1940
Engineer  Giovanni Cicogna                         1941 – 1946
Count       Fiuliano Foscari                     1947 – 1950
Barrister   Mario Valeri Manera          1951 – 1952
Doctor      Ottavio Croze                                  1953 – 1960
Barrister   Mario Valeri Manera          1961 – 1966
Doctor      Ottavio Croze                                  1967 – 1976
Doctor      Mario Borghese                       1977 – 1978
Engineer  Enrico Chiari                            1979 – 1981
Count       Lodovico di Valmarana                  1982 – 1989
Engineer  Enrico Chiari                            1990 – 1997
Arch.        Marco Croze                                  1998 – present

Legend has it that in 1926 Henry Ford, President of the world famous Ford Motor Company of America was a guest at the exclusive Hotel Excelsior on the Lido; and included in his personal luggage was, naturally, his golf clubs and equipment, the sport of Golf being most popular in America, but yet virtually unknown in Italy.
Ford ‘s wish during his visit was to play golf, but was disillusioned  to discover that no Golf Course existed in Venice.
Count Giuseppe Volpi di Misurata who was the President of the “Italian Company of Grand Hotels” (C.I.G.A.) became immediately enthusiastic with the idea of constructing a golf course on the island of Venice-Lido, and together with his illustrious guest Ford set out to find a suitable location on which to create their concept of a golf course.
Their attention was subsequently drawn to an area of some 100 hectares of dune land at the extreme south of the island of Lido, near the ancient port of Malamocco, a zone
of sand dunes with trees and characterized by an old Austrian Fortification, constructed many years ago in the defence of Venice.

Count Volpi and Ford deemed this location to be ideal and Count Volpi visualised a 9 hole course built around the fortress and it’s original adjoining military barracks and horse stables, which now constitute the present Club House.
The year 1928 saw the initial construction of the 9 hole course by the Scottish Architect Cruickshank of Maxwell M. Hart of Glasgow. The various characteristics of the dune land resulted in a 9 hole course of par 35 being a true and real links.
In September of 1930 the course was inaugurated with a week of tournements, although at this time members numbered only 25, being mostly drawn from well known and notable Venetian families, Count Volpi thus became the first President of the Golf Club of Venice.
For many years Tullio Scarso was the Club Professional and through his font of information and recollections we have been able to trace the many important and well known personages, and events that have taken place during the foundation of the Club. Tullio Scarso can recall among other events the meeting of Mussolini and Hitler, with lunch in the Club House.

Tullio also recalls playing in August 1954 with H..H. the Duke of Windsor and later with the legendary Henry Cotton and Bing Crosby.
Following the 1939-45 war the interest of Golf in Italy gained popularity and with this surge in popularity naturally grew the membership of the Venice Golf Club.

N.B. (today we have circa 460 members).
During the Presidency of Engineer Giovanni Cicogna, work on the second 9 holes was projected with Architect C.K. Cotton and were available for play in 1951.
President Doctor Ottavio Croze with Architect Marco Croze began work to improve the course with modifications in preparation for the forth-coming Italian Open in 1974.
The present structure of the course, considered generally to be one of the best in Europe, is due largely to the dedication, passion and competence of President Otti Croze, who also was for a long period of time a Vice President of the Italian Golf Federation.
The course is rich with trees of may species, including maritime pines, willows, poplars and mulberry. Being founded on dune land the course drainage is natural, and throughout the year is verdant and playable.
Responsability for the course and it’s maintenance is now in the hands of the present President of the Club Architect Marco Croze.
Over the years Venice Golf Club has been host to may international events:
-       Italian Open 1955/1969 and 1974;
-       The Usa-Europe “Ciga Hotels Trophy 1979 with the partecipation of Arnold Palmer, Raymond Floyd against Tony Jacklin and Baldovino Dassł and again in 1980 with Lee Trevino and Jack Renner against Severiano Ballesteros and Baldovino Dassł (printed documentation enclosed);
-       The Vagliano Trophy in 1989 and in 2001. 

-  Italian Seniors Open 2004/2005 and many other meetings with diverse European Teams.
The Club’s major annual amateur event remains “Leone San Marco” (Lion of St:Marks) played over 72 holes medal which was inaugurated in 1953 and annually attracts over 100 talented competitors from all over Italy.
Venice Golf Club has seen the growth, from amongst it’s numerous members, a golfing panorama of players, both of national and international status.
In 1976 Venice Golf Club was awarded the Silver Star, and in 1985 the Golden Star for sporting merit.

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